Healthy Eating Week/trip to Leicester Market

10th June – 14th June 2019

The nursery took part in Healthy Eating Week which has been developed by the British Nutrition Foundation to support schools and Early Years settings to promote a healthier lifestyle.

Through out the week we have been encouraging our children to Eat breakfast, drink water, get active, have 5 a day and Sleep well, through a range of activities across all age groups.

This include cooking sessions making pasta salads and fruit kebabs, drinking water challenges, adding fruit to our breakfasts, pyjama days and much more.

We also took a trip to the local market, with the support of parents, to experience the excitement of a market and explore the variety of fruits and vegetables that are on offer. Children were very good at identifying the different produce and enjoyed spending their £1 to take something home with them.

Many thanks to all the parents and staff that supported this event. A fun time was had by all.